This year didn’t prepare any bakshanam for Kicha on Krishna Jayanthi. Due to all this shifting and moving to new house I was completely unwell on Sunday. But managed to make kheer as neivedhyam for Lord Krishna and along with some Low-Fat Yogurt 😛 butter. This isn’t a traditional way of preparing kheer but it tasted really good. No complex ingredients, took less time to cook.
This year didn't prepare any bakshanam for Kicha on Krishna Jayanthi. Due to all this shifting and moving to new house I was completely unwell on Sunday. But managed to make kheer as neivedhyam for Lord Krishna and along with some Low-Fat Yogurt 😛 & butter. This isn't a traditional way of prepa
- Cut carrots into dices and boil in water for about minutes 10 12Once they are cooked grind it to a coarse mixtureAlternatively you grate carrots and then cook them in water. Whichever is easier for you can kindly do it Heat ghee in a pan and add those ground carrotSaute for about 5 minutes Add skimmed milk to the pan and add powdered sugarSprinkle cardamom powderMix everything well and close the pan with a lid.Let the carrots get immersed completely in milk.
- Fry cashews and badam in ghee and top them off kheer before serving.
- You can serve them hot or you can serve them after refrigerating as well