Each and everyday we come across various types of people in social media and in real life. But only with very few you actually feel a connect. You don’t have to know them for a lifetime but within few days/weeks of interaction you knew that your friendship/relationship is destined to happen 🙂 Time and again I have mentioned how Instagram helped me in connecting with insanely talented people. Nessy tops that list.
“People who love to eat are always the best people “ by Julia Child
True to the above famous quote, what started as a random exchange of comments between two strangers (actually three. More about Sujidra Ramakrishnan in coming weeks 😬😬) in instagram’s food pictures, ended up in a beautiful friendship. We can go on and on about food. Have explored various restaurants in London together. This is my 15th interview in this inspiration series. But very close to my heart.
Self-learned photographer,
she has great knowledge about various cuisines,
has an eye for all things pretty,
has an unique style of capturing things via her lens,
independent woman who voice out her true opinion at all circumstances,
never boast about her own achievements or talents anywhere….
I can list so many great qualities about her which inspired me. So proud & happy to be featuring this multi talented woman also my best friend/soul sister in my blog’s #inspirationseries today. Here is the short & sweet interview of hers.
1. A small Intro about yourself Ness
Hello there I am Nessy, Photographer and Blogger at Nessy Samuel Photography. A Malayali from Chennai, now living in Hertfordshire with my husband for an almost a decade. I am hoarder of Indian Fabrics and ceramics you might have got that from my photos 😉
2. Even though you try out various cuisines as far as I have observed you stick to your roots by preparing traditional Kerala recipes often. Though I don’t eat Non-Veg they look delish & mouth-watering. Were you a foodie since childhood? Could you share any memorable incident or a particular food that makes you all nostalgic even just thinking about it?
Thank you Rekha glad you find the photos appealing to your eyes. I grew up in a house where they discuss on what to cook for lunch while having breakfast naturally every member in my family turns out to be a foodie. When we were kids my papa used to take me and siblings on early morning walk around 5am to the marina beach and after the walk he takes us for to this small place I think it was in Triplicane for biryani and omelette for breakfast, like they say early bird catches the worm in our case it was Biryani. Yes I can eat biryani for breakfast that is how I roll. The restaurant is no more but the memories and the hot biryani remains in my memory.

3. Moving from the land of fresh filter coffee, suda suda bajji bonda 😆 to British’s Fish & Chips, how did you find the food culture here? Favourite eat out spots in London
London has exploded with different cuisines and having lived in different cities it was easy for me. During my early days I found it difficult to find good Indian restaurants but that has changed in the past three to four years. Hopefully soon we get good Chettinad Non Vegetarian food and Ambur style biryani in London. fingers and toes crossed.
Few of my favourite spots are :
Pici Cacio E Pepe which literally means cheese and pepper at Padella Pasta
Grilled Oysters at Decatur London

4. As far as I know you are a self-learned photographer with great sense of aesthetics. When did this passion for photography started? What was your first camera and what did you shoot first?
I was a bored housewife when I moved to UK with my husband I used to walk around Watford and take photos of flowers in people’s garden and food that I cook. My first camera was Sony digital camera can’t remember the model number; I have been shooting for 9 years now and moved to a full frame DSLR.
5. After following you in social media all these years, I can identify your pictures to some extent from your style. So how important is it for a photographer to have a unique style?
Habits change into character. Unique. Style comes from habit more like an unconscious one. Photography is art and each photographer is different they like different subjects in my case I love to shoot food and flowers. It is not important to me to have a unique style though each has one subconsciously, over years you can spot a pattern. The important thing as long as you love what you do it doesn’t matter.
6. According to you what are the three important things to keep in mind while shooting food pictures?
1.Never to forget that food is your hero,
3.which angle brings out the best feature of the food.
7. Which one is your personal favorite? dark moody images or white background cheerful images? Which one is difficult to shoot?
My favourite is dark and moody images. When it comes to subject that is difficult to shoot nothing as long as you practice and put the effort to understand technicalities but saying that white on white is not my favourite to shoot but I still photograph them. I do end up liking them but a little less when compared to dark and moody ones.
8. How important are props for food photography? How long have you been collecting these beautiful props?
Props add that extra layer of drama to the food, the important factor to consider is the message or story that your image conveys based on this you can choose the props. I have been collecting props for the past three to four years, my favourite are plain unglazed ceramics, traditional Indian brass and terracotta kitchenware.
9. Few words about your love for travel. Any unforgettable dining experience during such travel
I indeed love to travel, though I have not been to many places but I have covered 23 countries hoping to travel more the coming years, it is a lust that can’t be satisfied for me. I am glad my husband loves to travel too so that is very handy.
My top unforgettable experience is eating at a local place which has no name in Marrakech we were famished and it was one of the most satisfying meal after our spa day.
The second memorable experience is at Cervejaria Ramiro in Lisbon love their seafood and I can go back there anytime.
10. Your inspiration in photography in general & in culinary world
For photography it is Deeba Rajpal at Passionate for Baking and Madhuri Agarwal at mad about kitchen. The photos just invoke emotions.
Love british Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson.
Saying that , I like the biryani master in Mint Street, Dosa Guy in front of brilliant tutorial in Pondy Bazaar, Chennai which has now moved to Natesan Park in T Nagar and Chaat Guy from Ajnabi at Fountain Plaza. In my eyes they are experts too.
11. Your favorite Instagrammer in terms of foodphotography & why?
Sia Krishna at @monsoonspice and Beth Kirby @localmilk in my eyes they are great story weavers and love the photos that comes along with the story. Each photo has a tale.
Thank you for taking your time and sharing your thoughts about your food,photography journey so far. Also huge thanks to you I got to visit some of the best eatouts in London.
I am hoping one day you will start something on the lines of “London food walks” and introduce people/tourists to culinary heaven here.
Keep inspiring and keep clicking mesmerising photos.
You can check Nessy Samuel’s restaurant reviews and travel diariex in her website. The URL is mentioned below :
Website : http://nessysamuelphotography.com/index.html
If you would like to follow Nessy Samuel’s photography works kindly follow her in Social Media by clicking the links below :
Instagram (food) : https://www.instagram.com/nessysam/?hl=en
Instagram (travel & random stuff) : https://www.instagram.com/wanderingoyster/
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.co.uk/nessysamuel/boards/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nessysamuelphotography