So coming back to arranging my things let me show my overall kitchen

The draw next to Gas Stove has 4 compartments
In the first compartment I decided to keep all my spoons, ladles etc. Bought this tray from Poundland (£1) and it perfectly fits here

In the second compartment I keep my plates both stainless steel and the ceramic ones. Along with that I keep small bowls, davara & tumblers

In the third compartment, I stuff my baking ramekins, cookie cutters,measuring spoons, silicon spatula,can opener, tea strainer etc

Fourth compartment is dedicated to snacks All type of norukku theeni will be stored here.

On top of this, I usually place my drain tray, chopping board, knife stand and cooking oil. It will be easier to access these essential items.

To the right of the Gas stove, i usually keep my kettle. This space is where I roll my rotis, prepare bread dough etc (i dont have a separate marble stone for rolling the dough)
On the other side of the kitchen I have a dryer. Only during winters I use it that too not often. I use it as a stand for now. It has placemats that I use for food photography, baking sheets & foil, hand mixer and a plastic bag filled with plastic bags.

On top of Refrigerator I usually have my fruit basket and my kitchen companion Bose speaker. Love listening to music , watching classic Tamil movies in Youtube while working on the kitchen. So i kept it here ☺️

Pressure cooker, Bread Toaster, Griller & Mixie are aligned neatly here. Preethi Mixie i bought it from India. Griller was a gift to me from my friend & toaster we purchased it since we use it often for breakfast.

Below this there is a space for storage. I store lentils, some use & throw paper cups, other seldom used stuff. I got these Onion & Potato bags from a shop nearby. Usually I purchase onion in bulk (2kgs-4kgs). Along with that I keep my frying pans, wok here

This is my entire Kitchen Prop collection. As I said in my previous post the husband’s job is temporary and we might have to shift from here anytime. So I don’t want to stuff my house with too much of props for photography. Thats why in most of my pictures I have been repeating the same bowls & plates. I know for readers it will be boring to see the same bowls & plates on all the posts, but sometimes we have to set our priorities straight.

This is my baking tray & moulds collection

These are the vessels I brought from India. That’s all i have here. Loving the minimalistic approach here. Just 8-10 stainless steel vessels, 2 cookers, Appam pan, paniyaram pan, idli cooker, 3 frying pans – this is all I have been using for the past 2 years ☺️

One shelf is dedicated for props

The other shelf for vessels

Hope you loved this kitchen series. I had great fun in arranging & clicking photos. Now have to see how long the kitchen arrangement is intact