I have attempted to bake cakes(twice) before but all were disasters.Then I stopped attempting.For the past few months I have been looking for baking classes/places where I could learn basic baking techniques and recipes. While browsing through internet happened to check this website Artisans and I was impressed immediately. The only thing that bothered me was distance.I had to use all modes of transport(share auto/Train/Bus)to reach that place 😉 but still was determined to learn. And as always Shiva encouraged me to just go ahead and enroll.I am gifted such a wonderful partner who supports me at every walk of life. Touch Wood :-D.
Called them and enrolled in for ‘Baking Basics – 1’.Its a five day class (approx 4 hour session everyday) and the classes were taken by Lisa.She was extremely professional and the place looked so neat and clean.The class starts sharply at 10:00 am and ends at around 2 pm.
Starting from terminologies commonly used in baking,simple/slightly complex baking techniques,how to make biscuits,cakes,custard etc were taught. Each and every person was given full attention and were given a separate workbench/space to try out the recipes.Overall it was a great experience for me and learnt a lot. Got new friends as well 😉 I have shared few pictures of the items that we baked.And here after you can expect buns,puddings,cake recipes here in my page along with the usual curries /gravies / Dosa & stuff 🙂
Was always fascinated by Meringue (after watching ‘Master Chef-Australia) and yes I now knew how to make a perfect meringue 😉
Indeed baking was therapeutic 😉 Each and every minute spent there, was totally worth it.I would highly recommend this place in case if you have any plans of taking up baking classes.